Scars result from many different insults to the skin, be them surgical, trauma, infection, genetics to name a few causes. Scars can be hypertrophic, hypotrophic, stretched, keloid, pigmented and pitting, and treatments exist to improve the appearance of your scars, some with greater success than others, and often requiring a multimodal approach. As a Plastic Surgeons we have led the treatment and ongoing research in scars and are thus best placed to advise and treat scars, being the ‘go to’ experts for patients and other healthcare clinicians alike.
- Rigotomy
- Fat Grafting
- surgical excision
- Morpheus8
Surgical Excision
- Steroid treatment
- Silicone therapy treatment
- re-excision
- Dermalux LED
- Dermalux LED
- Laser
- Medical Assessment as to cause
- desinsitisation
- re-excision (where applicable)